One of the goals for Gimpy Guide has been to support and educate. As I speak with new patients or those who have had mobility issues for a while, one thing keeps coming up....friends and family aren't sure what they can do to help. The following are 3 ideas that come up frequently.
1. Offer to help around the house
"What day would be good this week for me to come by and do a load of laundry, sweep or vacuum the floor, pick up the dry cleaning, go to the post office, change a light bulb, weed the garden, mow the lawn, take out the garbage....?" Trust us, we would absolutely love someone to dust that vent or ceiling fan (we never noticed they were so dusty until we couldn't do anything about it).
2. Schedule a time each day or week to give us a call and just check in
Sometimes, just knowing that there is a scheduled call can give someone the strength to push a little harder at physical therapy that morning or postpone that meltdown from frustration. We may feel more comfortable sharing if we are reached out to with those calls than placing the call ourselves. Sometimes, we may not answer but, we know you remembered to call.
3. Offer to take us somewhere
Having mobility issues is not only frustrating but, can be very scary. Have you ever realized how slippery the floors can be at a supermarket? Is it really necessary to spritz the fruit and surrounding floor several times a day? The lovely stadium seating at the movie theater is daunting with crutches or a walker. And, if your gimpy person indulges in the bucket of popcorn and accompanying vat of soda, they may need assistance navigating those same steps in the dark. Perhaps more than once.
Repeat as needed depending on how long your friend or family member is gimpy. Please remember; even those of us who have been gimpy for a long time or, expect to stay that way still need a bit of help. No matter the system in place, or how brave the face, there are still moments of frustration over tasks, fear that we've gotten in over our heads and worry to go places on our own.
And, thank you.