After closely following the pretreatment protocol for one week prior to beginning the laser treatments, I was ready for my first treatment.
I was taken back to a treatment room where I was weighed and measured. Skin calipers were used to measure the areas behind my arms (Ethel Mermans), around my waist and between my shoulder blades. A tape measure was used around my legs and arms to see if I could increase my muscle mass while working out pain free.
I stripped down to my white underthings as the laser does not penetrate dark clothing. It was important that the laser be able to access my right hip for full pain relief there.
The lights were turned out and a spider-like machine was pulled over me. Red lasers were dancing on the wall. After measuring and arranging the lasers directly over my midsection at a predetermined height, I was left alone for 20 minutes. I would flip over onto my stomach for 20 more minutes directed at my lower back.
I felt a warming sensation but no pain.
After putting my clothes back on, I was directed to a Whole Body Vibration (WBV) machine for 10 minutes. YEA!!! There was one briefly available in physical therapy but, they are hard to find.
WBV was developed by NASA to battle bone loss for astronauts. Since the bones in my legs are now see through, rebuilding bone is a major priority. A small fall can send me to the ER with multiple fractures.
I think the vibration level was set at "stun", my eyes were watering and I couldn't see straight. I just held on tight and stood still for the ten minutes while the machine cycled through different intensity levels. When I got off, I felt very groovy. Who needs 2 glasses of wine when you can work on bone density and feel groovy at the same time???
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