Monday, August 9, 2010

Laser Treatments Part 1

In an attempt to avoid another cortisone shot, I took to the internet. I spent hours pouring over "knee pain" and "hip pain" results. Zerona popped up in my knee pain search results. What the heck, I decided to give it a try. A Cortisone shot costs almost $700 every 4 months and was costing me plenty in long term bone loss and other side effects.And, while Zerona was developed for knee pain and post op breast surgery pain, a side effect discovered was fat loss. I knew some of my pain was due to the 40 lbs I'd put on over the 4 years since I lost full mobility. Having help getting it off (since traditional workouts were out of the question and weight piles on quickly for the slow moving set) would be a great side effect if it worked.
I made an appointment at a medi-spa near me, plopped down the $1,000 for 6 treatments and received the pre-treatment protocol instructions and supplements. No caffeine, no alcohol, no smoking, tons of water and niacin supplements that made me feel as if I was going through early menopause. (Can we talk about hot flashes and weird rashes all over my face and upper torso?) Patients are also instructed to burn at least 500 calories through vigorous exercise each week. Time to break out the gel seat on the exercise bike and get to peddling to nowhere!
Come back next Monday as I delve into the magic disco lights and brain scrambling bone building aspects of treatment.


  1. I'll be praying for your preparatory process, as well as the treatments. It would really suck to go through all that and have poor results! Thanks for these glimpses into your life! I admire the way you continue to do as much as you can of what you want to do in life. Major kudos for your attitude!

  2. Thanks for the lovely comment and prayers!! Knowing that this blog is being read helps. A big part of gimpy guide's goal is to change the public opinion of disabilities. With support like yours, I think we have a very good shot :)
